Sunday, January 29, 2012

Psalm 81

Today's Psalm in Magnificat's Prayer for the Morning, God responds to the Israelites call in distress.  He calls them to holiness and commands that there be no foreign god among them nor worship to an alien god.  He promised to fill the people with all good things if they would only obey Him.

"But my people did not heed my voice and Israel would not obey, so I left them in their stubbornness of heard to follow their own designs."

We are also being called to holiness.  God speaks to us through his Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. But we, like the Israelites, do not heed his voice.  Our culture is permeated with false gods, alien gods.  We willingly "follow our own designs" in our stubbornness.  We will reap what we sow unless we listen and follow the One, True God!

"O that my people would heed me,
that Israel would wank in my ways!
At once I would subdue their foes,
turn my hand against their enemies."

Psalm 81.

#Magnificat #Catholic

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